Thursday, April 17, 2008

Let's talk about Kindergarten

Let's discuss about your kids kindergarten. Please write your kids age, which kindy and area also if possible monthly and other costs. I believe there are co-curriculum activities offers as optional. Anybody can take part.... You can tell other people stories i.e. neighbour, niece, nephew, office mate kids etc. TQ //web mod


Anonymous said...

Apa orang "bujang" cam aku nak komen ni? Ayam & Zaini mesti ada banyak idea ni (sbb dlm bisness education).

Anonymous said...

Ayam bisness education apa Mat Yie? Dia mengajar ke?

zen non said...

yang berhormat..sila bentangkan..
haha..aku pun tak tau nak kasi komentar.. sbb aku buat skolah rendah n menengah nasihat aku la..takyah la antar smart yg paling baik adalah bonda.

Anonymous said...

Pada pendapat aku, ada bagusnya hantar ke sekolah2 yg awal2 ni e.g. smart reader, from as young as 3 years old if i'm not mistaken. Give them the opportunity to meet with new friends and mix around. This helps develop their social skills and confidence. 2 of my nieces went to these types of schools, from young i can see that they've grown to be the confident (and cheeky + smart too) type. Sekarang sorang dah masuk darjah 1, her parents decided to put her into Chinese School as she had picked up Mandarin from young. Tak silap aku smart reader pun ada islamic module jugak apart from mandarin module. Of course i agree with Zaini too, that the best teacher is always the parents. Learning starts at home. Probably kalau ada opportunity, give them a taste of half day class at kindergartens, another half day pulak to play and learn with mummy and daddy.

Anonymous said...

aku hantar anak aku ke dzul iman kat usj. teaching is different from our time. more interactive and fun mcm kita2 dulu masuk kelas integrated learning room, yg laki siap baring2 lagi hahahhaa

tapi parents are the best teacher and icon to our own kids

website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

article yg ada dlm ni adalah hakcipta blog ni kecuali ada dinyatakan dicilok dari sumber2 tertentu... segala komen yg dibuat dalam blog ni takde langsung mewakili blog nih.. komen2 tu adalah hak dan rekacipta org yg tulis komen tu... ada paham? webmaster ada hak utk meng'edit', meng'keluar'kan mana2 post yg dirasakan tidak sesuai