Monday, July 07, 2008

HELP needed...FOR Muhammad

Anak aku Muhammad masuk hospital sebab platlet count very low. Normal 100k, kalau org denggi pun 30k dah kena admit, anak aku at one point 3k.Apa gunanya platlet ni? Utk healing process. Kalau kita bleeding, yg kasi hitam tu cell kuning a.k.a platlet. Now yang worrying is takut bleeding internally. Dia tak bleh aktif sangat sebab takut brain bergegar that may lead to bleeding. Nauzubillah

Sekarang dia under careful observation by consultant.

Please make doa for his swift recovery. Jazak Allah.


Anonymous said...

Ni dia platlet progress Muhammad so far

9pm Friday - 3,000
3am Saturday - 10,000
6pm Sunday - 9,000
12pm Monday - 12,000
2pm Tuesday - 28,000

The progress rate is consider slow. If today (Wednesday) is more than 50k, Muhammad can be discharged but with weekly follow-up.

Today doctor going to carry out bone marrow test just to make sure his bone marrow is healthy and for us to have peace of mind.

Thank you for your doa... Hope his BMA test is negative for illness.

Ihsan & Yasmin

Anonymous said...

Latest... Muhammad platelet dah naik to 38,000. Doctor kata dah bleh discharge.

Fortnightly check up for him.

Visiting Doctor from HUKM, specialist in blood cakap no need for BMA since the blood cells are OK.

Thank you for your doa and effort. May Allah rewards you accordingly.

Anonymous said...


[i] said...

Anak aku kena Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).

Bleh check kat google for layman term and explanation.

niefeng said...

tak paham la ihsan aku penyakit2 ni, bukan ke kalau kena denggi platlet darah berkurang juga, ni mcm denggi ke???? tp syukur dah sembuh Alhamduilillah

[i] said...

Denggi & ITP ni sama dari segi platlet count rendah.

Kalau normal biasanya 100k-450k (ikot wikipedia lah).

Kalau denggi & platlet count 20k dah kena admit. Anak aku masuk with 3k only platlet count.

ITP ni cause unknown. Denggi ada nyamuk denggi. Both buat platlet rendah. Kesannya? body healing kurang effective. Internal bleeding paling teruk. Bleh jadi fatal.

Begitulah kiranya explanation seorang ayah & accountant... nak tanya lebey2 sila rujuk kepada dr faizie. :D

Anonymous said...

ala ihsan, aku simpati..

tapi camner tetiba muhammad nyer platlet rendah? simptom?

Anonymous said...

As the name implies, Idiophatic maksudnya unknown. So, the actual reason for ITP ialah TIDAK DIKETAHUI. Namun, ia mmg melibat immune system badan yg attack our own platelet, hence it's also called Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Bila immune system dah recognize yg platelet tu as a foreign(bendasing), so ia akan attack platelet.So, effectnya, platelet akan dimusnahkan..lagi lama, lagi byk platelet yg musnah(makin rendah kiraannya, platelet count).
Platelet ni penting sebagai proses penyembuhan luka..ia menyebabkan sel sel darah bergumpal(proses called platetlet aggregation). Jadinya,kalau platelet dah kurang, senanglah berlakunya perdarahan(bleeding). So, kalau terhantuk sikit, mudah lebam.Gusi senang berdarah. Nampak rashes atas kulit yg dipanggil purpura. Lagi serious, boleh ada spontaneous internal bleeding, contohnya dlm otak(intracerebral hameorrhage).

niefeng said...

terima kasih dr faizie hehehe, aku rasa kau pernah dgr penyakit tu, ropenya cam tu wakakakakak

Anonymous said...

thanks faizie. walaupun pun aku tak berapa paham, tapi ok la tu...

in this case, camne ihsan leh ter-detect yg anak dia ada this kind of penyakit? ape yg terjadi atau ternampak? muntah2 ke.. n selalu ke penyakit ni terjadi pd kanak2?

n satu lagi, rashes atas kulit cam purpura tu rashes yg mcm mana?

sorry beb, gua bukan doktor. further explaination needed for extra precaution..

Anonymous said...

the obvious indication is the bruises on the body. Kalau bleh tengok the whole body.

Pasal Muhammad, we spotted two bruises on his head. Satu sebab terhantuk trolley kat Giant, the second one kat his cheek. We thought that one maybe he got it during at his school. That was on Thursday.

Friday, masa helper aku mandikan Muhammad, she spotted more bruises (kaler hitam macam lebam lepas kena tumbuk.) kat belakang and kaki. Obviously takkan la my kid jatuh teruk sangat or kena buli (nauzubillah). So she told my wife, terus hantar hospital for check up. Tgk2 platelet count very very low.

Interestingly about Muhammad ni, kalau sakit pun you cant really tell. Sebab dia very easy child and bukan jenis lembik cepat kalau sakit. He was up and down masa before admitted and still jumping up and down time warded.

As per Faizie said, gusi berdarah pun is one of the symptom.

Anonymous said...

Sal 1506,

Susah aku nak describe in layman terms rupa purpura rash tu..paling senang, kau type aje Purpura rash..atau Purpura ITP dlm google image..byk gambar yg keluar.

Anonymous said...

as per faizie said again, ITP ni cause dia unknown. Tapi anak aku history comes with one week fever before ITP.

Maybe fever tu the cause of ITP,
maybe not. So kalau anak2 demam tu make sure the temperature is not high. Paling kurang lap badan kasi sejuk.

My friend pernah anak dia dah terlampau panas, anak dia pengsan. Member aku ni letak anak dia kat sinki & basuh/mandi.

Anonymous said...

wokeh, tq

aku take note pasal lebam-lebam + demam. memang risau kalau budak2 kecik ni sakit walaupun demam. lelagi anak lelaki, takut sawan. nauzubillah..

Anonymous said...

maybe can ask your parents and sahak parents about your genetic illness. mcm family aku so far semua ada from small to big.

anyway, one of the reason is food intake. kena careful especially the quantity :D.

plus, ada few genetics illness based on ethnic. tak semestinya ada, tapi most likely happening to specific ethnic i.e. malay, chinese, indian, european, etc etc. aku dpt info ni pun dari my parents. for more info pls consult medical dr or your personal dr. tq

website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

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