Monday, June 30, 2008


Dalam hidup kita akan menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dan rintangan. Namun untuk kita pastikan kita dapat terus menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan agama, bangsa dan negara, kita jangan lupa kepada penghayatan dan amalan konsep 'MinJaRoes', iaitu pembangunan minda, jasmani, rohani, emosi,dan sosial secara berterusan, dan bersepadu. Dalam kontek sosial, kita sebagai bekas anak MARA, perlu menjalinkan silaturrahim dan 'networking' dikalangan bekas-bekas pelajar MRSM Taiping.

Tuan Haji Ahmad Roslan Johari,
Bekas Pengetua
MRSM Taiping


Congrats Spain...

Friday, June 27, 2008

anjung maresmart fortnight conference

great idea from Azraf. Sesapa ada YM bleh la buat conference once every two weeks. Hari ni dah start first, so next conference akan di buat pada

hari : jumaat
tarikh : 4 Julai 2008
jam : 5:30 petang.

Latest pic... Ateng 509

from his friendster, now kerja ngan Rexit Berhad




(1983 – 2008)

MRSM Taiping merupakan antara MRSM terawal yang ditubuhkan oleh Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). Kini penubuhannya sudah menjangkaui 25 tahun sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 1983. Untuk itu pihak pengurusan MRSM Taiping dengan kerjasama Persatuan Bekas Pelajar MRSM Malaysia (ANSARA) cawangan MRSM Taiping telah merancang mengadakan majlis sambutan sempena 25 tahun penubuhan MRSM Taiping. Pelbagai program telah dirancang sepanjang sambutan ini diadakan. Butirannnya adalah seperti berikut:

Tarikh : 25hb – 27 Julai 2008.
Tempat : MRSM Taiping.
Tema : “Nurturing Geniuses In Unison”.

Program Sambutan:
1. Jamuan Makan Malam.
2. Pertandingan Golf Amal, Boling, Badminton, Volley Ball.
3. Larian Bukit Larut.
4. Sirih Pulang Ke Gagang ( Program ANSARA : Forum, Bengkel Kerjaya dan Temuduga, Ceramah Motivasi, Pameran dan Sukan.).
5. Hari Terbuka Asrama.

Justeru, sambutan Jubli Perak MRSM Taiping diadakan bagi menemukan semula bekas-bekas pelajar, guru-guru dan individu-individu yang pernah memberi sumbangan terhadap kecemerlangan MRSM Taiping, di samping mencungkil nostalgia pahit-manis sepanjang MRSM Taiping ditubuhkan. Paling istimewa ialah Program Hari Terbuka Asrama memberi peluang kepada bekas pelajar dan keluarga menginap di asrama bagi mengingati nostalgia tinggal di asrama semasa belajar di MRSM Taiping. Butiran pakej program adalah seperti berikut:

Pakej A ( Bayaran RM 200.00)

Pakej B ( Bayaran RM 300.00)

- perseorangan. - goodies. - makan-minum selama 3 hari. - penginapan di asrama. - majlis makan malam.

- suami – isteri (keluarga) - goodies. - makan-minum selama 3 hari. - penginapan di asrama. - majlis makan malam.

Keseluruhannya, dapat dikatakan bahawa program-program sempena sambutan ini amat bermakna sekali khususnya bagi bekas pelajar dan individu yang pernah berkhidmat di MRSM Taiping.

Untuk keterangan lanjut sila hubungi urusetia sambutan iaitu :

  • En Khairul Anuar (013-5234607)
  • Pn Haleeza (012-5800450)
  • Pn Azwani (019-2667795)
  • En Zaini (012-2015610)

atau layari :

Friday Nasihat 27 June 2008

Al-Isra (The Night Journey) Chapter 17: Verse 16

Crime of Luxury
"And when it is Our will to destroy a town, We command its luxury-loving citizens, and they deal corruptly in it; thus the sentence upon it is justified, and We destroy it utterly."

Luxury is the cause of destruction in the course of history, as it is the cause of audacity. And equally certainly, luxury is a reason for punishment in the world to come, because it results in grave sin. But, it is not only the individual who loves luxury who will suffer destruction and punishment; the community that permits the existence of such luxury will be similarly afflicted.

The 'will' here referred to in the verse is not predestination in the commonly accepted sense, but rather the law of cause and effect, or of reason and result. If there are luxury-loving individuals in a community and the community allows them to remain so, doing nothing against them; if it refrains from checking the causes of luxury; if it leaves the luxury-loving to pursue their corrupt way; then all these factors, because of their very existence, are causes that will inevitably result in the destruction and the downfall of the community. Such is the meaning of 'will' in this verse. That is to say, the results are related to the reasons, and the effects must follow where the causes occur; for such is the normative pattern which Allah has laid down for the universe and for all life. [read more here]

Cool Website .... SMK Gunung Rapat, Ipoh

aku ingat si Azrap skolah ni dulu2. Tapi aku sure ada lagi a few, tapi lupa. hahaha salah info.. rupanya sekolah si Nazir.

Websitenya mmg nice and simple. Takde nak cramp all info in one page. Tulisan pun kemas. Info pun takde banyak sangat, maybe webmaster busy.

Layout mcm pakai [Joomla], harapnya webmaster pakai update & patch sbb first time hacker mmg suka hack site macam ni yang kurang security.

Skolah Ipoh Mali @ (even URL dia pun simple!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

HELP needed.... Practical Post

Aku dok perasan ada la sedara mara geng2 kita yang baru lepasan politeknik, universiti yg looking for practical posts.

Kalau sesapa yang company dia ada offer, or tau mana-mana company yang offer practical posts ni, bleh la tulis kat sini. or email to me taiping9495 at gmail dot com. Jurusan apa tu tak penting, kalau ada je info bleh kabare kat sini.

At least kita boleh tolong geng2 kita utk tolong sedara mara diorang.



Just to inform our geng of doctors to make sure they are registered under KKM.

There were few cases where doctors had their application submitted by hospital administration personnel and some were missing and even lost in transit.


Compulsory service is 3 years. If let say you already working for 5 years and yet does not have the confirmation from KKM, then you have to work another 3 years before you successfully completing your term.

Wudu' zahir dan batin

Seorang ahli ibadah bernama Isam Bin Yusuf, sangat warak dan khusyuk solatnya. Namun, dia selalu khuatir kalau-kalau ibadahnya kurang khusyuk dan selalu bertanya kepada orang yang dianggapnya lebih ibadahnya, demi untuk memperbaiki dirinya yang selalu dirasainya kurang khusyuk.

Pada suatu hari, Isam menghadiri majlis seorang abid bernama Hatim Al-Assam dan bertanya, 'Wahai Aba Abdurrahman, bagaimanakah caranya tuan solat?'

Hatim berkata, 'Apabila masuk waktu solat, aku berwudhuk zahir dan batin.'

Isam bertanya, 'Bagaimana wudhuk zahir dan batin itu? '

Hatim berkata, 'Wudu' zahir sebagaimana biasa iaitu membasuh semua anggota wudhuk dengan air'. Sementara wudhuk batin ialah membasuh anggota dengan tujuh perkara :-

* Bertaubat
* Menyesali dosa yang telah dilakukan
* Tidak tergila-gilakan dunia
* Tidak mencari/mengharap pujian orang (riya')
* Tinggalkan sifat berbangga
* Tinggalkan sifat khianat dan menipu
* Meninggalkan sifat dengki.'

Seterusnya Hatim berkata, 'Kemudian aku pergi ke masjid, aku kemaskan semua anggotaku dan menghadap kiblat.

Aku berdiri dengan penuh kewaspadaan dan aku rasakan:
1. Aku sedang berhadapan dengan Allah,
2. Syurga di sebelah kananku,
3. Neraka di sebelah kiriku,
4. Malaikat Maut berada di belakangku, dan
5. Aku bayangkan pula aku seolah-olah berdiri di atas titian 'Siratal mustaqim' dan menganggap bahawa solatku kali ini adalah solat terakhir bagiku, kemudian aku berniat dan bertakbir dengan baik.'

'Setiap bacaan dan doa didalam solat, aku faham maknanya kemudian aku rukuk dan sujud dengan tawadhuk, aku bertasyahud dengan penuh pengharapan dan aku memberi salam dengan ikhlas. Beginilah aku bersolat selama 30 tahun.'

Apabila Isam mendengar, menangislah dia kerana membayangkan ibadahnya yang kurang baik bila dibandingkan dengan Hatim.

Sabda Nabi, ilmu itu milik Allah, barang siapa menyebarkan ilmu demi kebaikan, insya Allah Tuhan akan menggandakan 10 kali kepadanya

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cool Website... Maahad Lelaki, Kota Bharu

Sekolah geng2 kita kat Kota Bharu. Antara hero-heronya, Mat Yie, Mamat & Zarimi (sorry le kalau tak sebut nama, lupa daaa dah tua).

Aku rasa layout website skolah ni antara yang paling superb antara laman2 sekolah cuma tak integrated lagi. Bila bukak front page, tekan home kat frame tu, keluar new tab OR komputer aku tak install latest flash?

Masa aku click biotechnology, gambar mat salleh la pulak. Apa salahnya letak gambar melayu Islam kita?

Apa pun, kalau berminat bleh layari


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The 480 thousand meters story

Day One: 140km

I must admit that I was a little worried about the terrain that day coz I've never done Genting Sempah before. I was quite nervous that morning than ever before coz I dunno what to expect. Surprisingly, I must say that I kinda enjoyed Genting Sempah and the terrain was 'just nice'. Not too hard, not too sissy hehe. I had a few scary moments though coz the road was narrow. One time, I was approaching a corner and in front of me was a 10-wheel trailer making its way towards me. The back wheels of the trailer was only less than a meter from me. Another time, I could hear a lorry coming from behind me and I was approaching another corner when a lorry suddenly came from opposite of the road and missed the lorry behind me by a few meters. Moral of the story: drive a lorry at Genting Sempah instead of a bike next time :P

Then after that, it was downhill all the way to Bentong. Damn I was so scared I almost peed in my pants! My downhill speed was actually about 25-30 on that stretch! Haha.. so what if I'm a sissy :P

Gathered at Kolam Air Panas 10km from Bentong and at Bentong we went to have ais kacang and ice cream in Kow Po shop. And it was worth it coz the ice cream was so yummy! I don't know the price coz the organizers paid for it hehe.. BTW, I only had RM5 in my wallet :P seriously..

The ride to Felda Mempaga for our lunch was not that easy. It was rolling, badly. I was in the middle pack and we had some Letua boys as our sweepers. They set the pace for us and let us draft them until Mempaga. Had our lunch and I noticed my left knee hurt a little. Asked Rahim, the Letua coach to check on my bike position, whether it had contributed to my knee problem. He fixed my saddle and seat post position straightaway.

After lunch, we headed for Temerloh and faced some really wacky rolling hills. I thought Genting Sempah was bad, well this was worse! It can't even be called rolling hills coz after conquering the hill, the road was flat. FLAT! How to roll like that? Not much momentum at all. Tak pe, sabar sabar. I was really on the verge of giving up, wanted to stop and breath so many times but I thought if I did that, I would lose the 'feel' and will be slow at getting back on track again. Downed one chocolate-flavoured Powergel and got on with my ride. 10 minutes after that, reached the re-grouping area where we stopped for half hour before making our way for the final 20km.

Day Two: The Ironman distance(180km)

Route was mainly rolling in the morning and flat in the afternoon. I positioned myself in between 2 chatting cyclists. They potong sayur, I potong sayur. I just stayed in the middle to draft. Layan jer. HR was around 138-145, while going at a speed of 25km/h. I made sure I stayed in the middle of the pack but the rolling hills were too yummy to resist. And becoz the group slowly clumped together at the foot of the climb, I tried to decrease my cadence and not change to lighter gear, but I felt like the cramps are starting. So I made a split second decision and just breakaway and go for the top of the hill! The guys were roaring at the back, eager to see my backside, methinks haha.

After that, we came to another hill which I managed to cross successfully without any cramps or mishaps. And the downhill was a good practice. I learned to let go and just enjoy the ride down while concentrating on the road in front. That morning I managed to do 65km/h! Wow! The feeling was just amazing. The important thing was to hold the handlebar tight and follow the white line on the road as a guide.

Next, we came to another hill which was supposed to be the last hill in the ride(yeah right). My domestiques(the 2 chatty guys in front) told me, we are going to face another hill, where most people kantoi(kantoi apa aa in English??). So I anticipated the worst. Maybe it's as steep as Bukit Tangga.. but it turned out that it was a long incline, that's all. Like something we normally get in Putrajaya. I waited, no one made a move. Then suddenly AJ did a breakaway and rejoined the pack again not too far in front. Apa lagi, aku pun breakaway jugak aa! HAHAHA! I huffed and puffed my way on a steady under 20km/h pace to the top of the incline. 2 other cyclists followed me, I guess I temped them too much with my butt haha.. cannot stand a lady potong sayur the pack maa..

I constantly looked back at the pack to make sure I didn't leave them too far behind. Then we reach our next pitstop for lunch. The heat was so bad that some people decided that they'd skip the afternoon ride due to the weather. When we stopped for lunch, we already did 100km already. Another 80km to go.

The strategy was to cycle for one hour, to do around 25km/h speed and stop every hour to replenish/drink. At the first stop, I went to get some water and ice to put into my jersey to cool down. But there's no ice left, all the ice had melted. But the water in the container was still cold and looked tempting. I told the driver, can you please pour the ice water on me so that I can cool down? He gave me a weird look, "Are you sure?" I said yes and he poured most of the ice water on me. Felt great and finally my body felt cooler and fresh as daisy.

We continued our journey for another hour. We came to roads where the wind was blowing us all over the place. I made the wrong move by not staying with the front pack but cycling happily on my own.. until a strong wind almost blew me off my course while I was going downhill. Damn, I thought. I almost cried coz the wind was relentlessly blowing and trying to get me off my bike. Anuar advised me to use big gears in front and smaller gear at the back so that the bike feels a little heavier and I could cycle downhill. I trusted him and when the next downhill came, I did as told and cycled downhill while holding the bars tight so that the wind won't blow me away.

It was the scariest experience ever. As scary as last year's riding in heavy rain at Bukit Putus. Finally we arrived at the next stop and I checked my speedometer to see that I actually went at 78km/h during my downhill stint just now! Double wow!

After the final re-group, we cycled into Cukai and Kemaman. I tried to follow the front pack but they were going at 36km/h. I tried chasing them at 32km/h but gave up after 5 minutes when I noticed that I only have 5 km to go, so there's no use to push myself. I joined myself with the back pack, where I told Jack to maintain the speed of 25km/h so that everyone else can follow us. We led the group into Kemaman town and managed to finish a few minutes after the front pack. At the same time, we managed to provide the others protection from the strong wind.

Day Three: The Century Ride(160km)

With another 160km to go, I went to AJ for some last words. I said, "AJ, please give me some motivation coz I really don't feel like cycling today." He said, "Just enjoy the ride, ya, don't worry too much about speed. Do it at your own pace." I made my own reflections towards my journey so far during stretching. I have come this far, I can do this, it's all in my mental/mind.

We continued our century ride to Kertih, first 10km was generally flat, followed by another 30km of really rolling hills, but not as bad as the first day of our journey. I followed the pack closely, didn't want to be left too far behind. At one downhill, I sort of had a good gap between me and the pack and I gave them a chase again, so that I can benefit from the draft and can conserve some energy. During this, I tried to pick up a few cyclists to join me chase the pack. Then I saw Kam and offered him my draft. I asked him, "Are you OK? Do you think you can manage to push a little bit to the front pack? Then we can rest a little by drafting them." Kam indicated that he's OK to join me, so at the word "Go!" we made our way to the pack. I used a heavier gear and pumped my way to the front at the same time not leaving Kam too far behind. Then when we finally joined the pack, it felt so great. A relief. At last we could cycling and coast and enjoy the ride while the front cyclists were doing the pulling.

Then, there it was, the mother of all hills! It's a little steeper than Bukit Tangga and I can see some people in front stopping in the middle of the road to unclip and get off the bike. That was pretty dangerous, considering there were a few cyclists behind them actually cranking away on their bikes! I endured the pain and just concentrated on the road. HR went up to 170, which was, by my standard, quite low as I normally hit 180 easily on the inclines in Putrajaya. Maybe the 3-day stint did wonders to my stamina, I thought.

The road down was unbelievable. I never felt so relieved that the blardy hill was over! Haha! Now my task was to get into the front pack again as they were already out of sight. So I changed to lower gear and gave them a chase. A few times I was tempted to use the big front crank but I was worried I might overdo myself and pushed a little too early. There was still 100 more km to go.

The route was generally flat, so I maintained at 28-30km/h for 5 minutes until I finally re-joined the pack. What a relief! Finally I could breathe properly! Not long after, we reached Kertih and I had a well-deserved 4 bananas(good to last me for 2 hours) and plenty of water.

Then we continued another hour and half to the next stop. I thought we were going to have lunch at Zafrul Enterprise coz it was already 12 noon so I didn't even bother to eat or drink enough. Suddenly, the marshal said, 5 minutes more and we'll be off for another 30km. I was like "WHAT??!!" In a frantic, I gobbled on 2 bananas and a quarter of Powerbar and drank 2 cups of water.

Then we continued for another 30km before coming to our lunch stop. A mishap happened to one of the cyclists where he almost fainted on the bike thus making him unable to unclip his shoes in time, causing him to fall face first on the road. His road rash was seen on the left side on his face, the skins on his chin, cheek, nose and upper lip were scraped. Gory, I tell you.

After lunch we continued our final journey to Kuala Terengganu. An hour later, all of us arrived unscathed and we congratulated ourselves for daring to finish the entire ride.

The feeling is indescribable. Relief, happy, excited. Felt like jumping all over the place, but of course I had to mind my manners hehe..

Looking forward to another long journey next year. Maybe we should just stick at 400km and not more.. hehehehe

140,180 and 160 makes 480

Sorry.. wanted to post this earlier but I forgot.. Aini ++click to enlarge++ Going up Genting Sempah with a newbie.. terrer jugak budak ni. Speed was just under 20km/h, at the start of our 140km ride On the way to Felda Mempaga for lunch. The roads ahead were rolling.. up down up down.. lucky the trees gave up some shade Bike porn!! The previous owner of my Vroomen White This is not his bike, although i know he wished it was his :P On our way to Kemaman for 180km ride that day
Sesi memotong sayur-sayuran sebelom tiba di Maran .. kuangkuangkuang...
Haidar from Letua was honoured in Kemaman for being a successful anak Kemaman Group photo with Malakoff cyclists and Letua On the way to Kertih for final 160km ride Awea the joker Me, asking the photographer to take a side photo and butt shot of myself.. but let me just keep the butt shot to myself, thank you very much The group on the way to Kuala Terengganu. There were also some cycling groups joining us that day, one is a Kemaman-based cycling group that consists of schoolkids from the age of 12 onwards and another was a cycling group consisting of teachers who work in Terengganu.. ain't that cool!

ROSMAH @ murder scene?

Excerpt from

"It's mindboggling!" - That's how Raja Petra Kamarudin's statutory declaration alleging that Deputy Prime Minister Najib's wife was at the murder scene of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu was described today.

An aide to Najib Abdul Razak also said they were aware of this latest claim made by Raja Petra, who also runs the 'Malaysia Today' website. "At the moment, we are looking into it. This is a very mind-boggling statutory declaration," said the aide when contacted.

The latest allegation hurled at Rosmah Mansor was made by well-known blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin via a statutory declaration (below) signed at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Wednesday.

The aide however refused to comment if any action could be taken against Raja Petra.

Najib and Rosmah (left) have repeatedly denied they are linked to the killing of Altantuya, describing the widely-known allegations was nothing.....[read more here]

Hassan, Husam, & The Truth About the Fuel Subsidy

TQ Adzimi for sharing. Click here to [download]

Cool Website.. FreeDrive

sebelum ni aku dok cari-cari website yang boleh buat file sharing dengan unlimited time. Rapid share, file akan disimpan utk seminggu saja.

Pastu kalau yg lain tu limited file format. Graphic format mmg takde masalah, tapi format microsoft office atau pdf mmg tak boleh.

Aku terbaca ni kat wikipedia, bila aku masuk and try it myself, boleh transfer file up to 1 G.B free download.

freeware download at

Monday, June 23, 2008


Name of a person who made you laugh last night My kids, Muhammad & Aisyah What were you doing at 0800? in a car, going to work What were you doing 30 minutes ago? printing accounts What happened to you in 2006? Being a father to precious, lovely and full of life Aisyah Husainy What was the last thing you said out loud? bank statement takde... How many beverages did you have today? target 2.4 litre of water What colour is your hairbrush? red, sometimes blue, sometimes yellow What was the last thing you paid for? Muhammad's sports day fee Where were you last night? Makan @ Kedai Sate Hj Samuri What colour is your front door? It's solid wood. brown in colour Where do you keep your change? In my trouser's pocket (causing my wife screaming at me most of the time) and used business card case, in between sofa's cushion, a few other places which I could not remember What's the weather like today? Great, bit hot... but my office freaking cold!! What's the best ice-cream flavour? chocolate obviously. but best ice cream for me is choc mud (ice cream cake) by secret recipe What excites you? too much to list. having financial freedom and money are my focus now. Buy Canon DSLR camera so I can have better pics shots.. and iPhone. Do you want to cut your hair? Not at the moment Are you over the age of 25? Do I have to answer this question? Do you talk a lot? damn yes! Do you watch the O.C? Used to tapi tak pernah abes one programme... just another chick flick yg nothing comes to end with triangle love, guys fighting for one woman, and 2-3 women goes berzerk on a guy. Do you know anyone named Steven? Yep. Do you make up your own words? Yep. Are you a jealous person? What kind a question is this??? No Comment. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A' Amilin Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K' Khairul Faizie Who's the first person on your received call list? Ada byk phone... Next question please What does the last text message you received say? Too personal to answer Do you chew on your straw? Nope Do you have curly hair? yep Where's the next place you're going to? Home Who's the rudest person in your life? think positive will set you free What was the last thing you ate? boiled egg Will you get married in the future? I am married. What are you suggesting????? wakkakaa What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks? Natural Treasure 2 Is there anyone you like right now? my wife and my kids When was the last time you did the dishes? few days ago Are you currently depressed? yup Did you cry today? Nope Why did you answer and post this? See 2 answer above Tag 5 people who would do this survey: takmo tagged sesapa.. sapa nak jawab silakan..

Cool Website.. Simply Islam

TQ to Yeop for the link. SimplyIslam is organising a talk by Sheikh Khalil Moore for our 'inner' food. Locations are around Singapore. If you are around the area, or would like to know more about this young chap, the schedules are listed in the website. You can check it at Profile from about Khalil Moore
"Shaykh Khalil Moore embraced Islam at the age of 19, and is an upcoming Islamic scholar, having spent many years travelling to the Muslim world in search of sacred knowledge, learning the religion in the hands of professors and shaykhs in Madinah, Mauritania, Morocco, Emirates, Egypt and Yemen. He studied the Maliki and Shafi’i jurisprudence (fiqh), Arabic language and has translated and edited several classical and contemporary Islamic books. Among his teachers are great scholars like Habib Umar Bin Hafiz."


This is a true story that happened in Japan .

In order to renovate the house, someone in Japan breaks open the wall. Japanese houses normally have a hollow space between the wooden walls. When tearing down the walls, he found that there was a lizard stuck there because a nail from outside hammered into one of its feet.

He sees this, feels pity, and at the same time curious, as when he checked the nail, it was nailed 10 years ago when the house was! First built..

What happened?

The lizard has survived in such position for 10 years!!!!!!!!!! In a dark wall partition for 10 years without moving, it is impossible and mind-boggling. Then he wondered how this lizard survived for 10 years! Without moving a single step--since its foot was nailed!

So he stopped his work and observed the lizard, what it has been doing, and what and how it has been eating. Later, not knowing from where it came appears another lizard, with food in its mouth.

Ah! He was stunned and touched deeply. For the lizard that was stuck by nail; another lizard has been feeding it for the past 10 years...

Imagine? It has been doing that untiringly for 10 long years, without giving up hope on its partner.

Think, will u do that to your partner?
Think that will you do it to your Mom,
Who brought you after a big struggle of nine long months?
Or at least to your Dad, Friends, Co-workers, brothers and Sisters?

Imagine what a small creature can do that a creature blessed with a brilliant mind can't. As information and communication technology advances, our access to information becomes faster and faster. But the Distance between human beings . .. . is it getting closer as well?

Please never abandon your loved ones
Never Say U R Busy When They Really Need You...
You May Have The Entire World At Your Feet......
But You Might Be The Only World To Them....

A Moment of negligence might break the very heart which loves you thru all odds....
Before you say something just remember. It takes a moment to Break but an entire life to make... To Live Use Heart and to Survive use Brains.
Then Life would be a paradise Unfurling only Love Joy and Happiness.....

Cool Website... SMART, Kuantan

Sebelum masuk Tepen, geng2 kita sekolah seluruh pelusuk Malaysia. Antara sekolah yg contribute paling ramai SMART. Harris, Buncit, Mieza, Skor, Kasnor, antara geng kita dari sekolah ni. SMART, Kuantan Pahang.

From Sejarah SMART

Ø Diasaskan pada 12 Januari 1964 sempena nama Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia yang ke-2 iaitu Dr Abdul Rahman Talib.
Ø Perasmian : 12 Jun 1967 oleh YB En Mohd Khir Johari, Menteri Pelajaran Malaysia ketika itu.
Ø Antara sekolah aliran Melayu yang terawal di Malaysia
Ø 1972 -> SMART dijadikan dua buah sekolah berasingan. SMART 1 (Tingkatan 4, 5 aliran sains dan Tingkatan 6 aliran sastera) dan SMART 2 (Tingkatan 4, 5 aliran sastera dan Tingkatan 6 aliran sains) Ø Pada 1973 sekolah ini disatukan semula
Ø Pada 11 Oktober 1980 perasmian bangunan tambahan (Blok B dan C) oleh KDYMM Pemangku Sultan Pahang iaitu Tengku Abdullah Ibni Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Mustain Billah.
Ø Menjelang 1986 dipilih sebagai Sekolah Rancangan Khas oleh Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Pahang (Sekolah Kawalan Negeri)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

How Smart Are You?

Kalau sesapa nak test your IQ, bleh test kat sini...

Very fun mcm algebra test.

[download] kat sini.

Jawapan yang first Seven Seas. Hint huruf C tu ada 7 = seven seas.

Acu cuba try test.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Usual Suspect. MUST SEE FILM

if you want to rent or buy good DVD to watch, this one is a MUST.

without giving too much information, the story is about mafia called Keyser Soze and police pursuit to get him behind bars.

Its a 'talking' movie so you have to sit down and watch this movie. If you plan to go to the loo, make sure you paused your player or else you find it hard to understand the whole plot. Please make sure you do not read summary of the movie on the net because you might 'kill' the suspense part. Just believe me go and watch it, and you would not be disappointed!

Directed by Brian Singer and superb act by Kevin Spacey.


"what determine who you are in the next 5 years - the books you read and people you mix with"
-certainly not my quote but forgot who said it.-


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
By the morning hours (1) And by the night when it is stillest, (2) Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee nor doth He hate thee, (3) And verily the latter portion will be better for thee than the former, (4) And verily thy Lord will give unto thee so that thou wilt be content. (5) Did He not find thee an orphan and protect (thee)? (6) Did He not find thee wandering and direct (thee)? (7) Did He not find thee destitute and enrich (thee)? (8) Therefor the orphan oppress not, (9) Therefor the beggar drive not away, (10) Therefor of the bounty of thy Lord be thy discourse. (11)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Latest pic... Epoi & Fariny

dicurik dengan izin!

Karate Kid

Iklan SPKG dari Amy

Hi guys,

Anyways, just to let you know (in case you don't) that Program Sireh Pulang Ke Gagang MRSM Taiping this year will be held from the 25th to the 27th of July 2008.

In case you are not in the know what SKPG is all about, it's a yearly program organized by ANSARA Cawangan Taiping, which started maybe three years ago ie this maybe the 4th doing, where the seniors actually balik and berkampung in Maktab (well, maybe not completely berkampung as many would still go and tidur kat hotel after the prog ends everyday).

The main objective of the program is to basically give career exposure to the juniors who are in their form 4 and form 5. Well, there will usually be talks on various careers as well as workshops etc.

Though doctors and engineers are still the careers of choice for many, there would still be quite a few that would opt for all sorts of other careers. Last year, I had like about almost 30 of them who wants to work for the government(not as doctors and engineers of course, but other professions like PTD officers, teachers etc...), in my workshop group. I found that so amusing! So believe me, regardless of how odd your job is, don’t be surprised if there would still be someone back in Maktab that would want to be like you!

I was informed that this year would be even more special because this year, we will be celebrating MRSM Taiping's 25th Year Anniversary. So, on the 26th evening, there will be a Grand Gala Dinner in celebration of the anniversary.

I have been attending the event for the last couple of years and I must say that apart from lending some helping hands to the juniors ie as we share our uni days and career experiences, the program in itself offers so much fun. I mean come on, walking down the memory lane after so many years....

It is also a brilliant platform for reunion of batches as well as expanding our circle of network!

So, if you guys are interested to attend and be one of the volunteers, or if you have any queries whatsoever, you can either let me know or go to, ok.

Apa lagi, jom kite semua balik Tepeng!!!


First aku nak cakap TQ very much to Fajare for the banner Taiping for the previous post. Aku still simpan in case boleh pakai next time. Aku letak banner tu kat bawah ni kalau korang nak letak kat blog korang. Size still besar, so pepandai la ejas yek! >_<

New layout ni aku suka sebab simple and straight forward. Aku dah hilangkan byk widget kat tepi. Too cramp. biasa lah dah tahap blog addict. YM column pun KIV, tapi aku akan add Piranha business & links.

Piranha Klan, aku akan tambah facebook punya link. so harap bersabar.

Lagi satu, aku akan menyambung hasrat untuk buat Direktori geng-geng kita. So sesapa yg ada no. telepong kengkawang lain tu harap bleh forward kat aku. 019-NYK-1-OUT = 019-695 1688.

Bulan pose dah dekat, so aku tengah cari sesapa yang nak volunteer untuk jadikan rumah diorang sebagai tempat bukak pose. Kita buat pot luck macam last year. Hopefully tahun ni ramai yang bleh mai. Watch this space!


thanks to mat yie for sharing
//web mod

A man called Razak owns a farm which can produce 10 apples every day.
He has 5 workers to operate the farm. Each of them eats 1 apple daily and it is enough to keep them operating the farm normally. The remaining 4 apples, the landlord sells them at RM10 each and he earns RM40. He uses the RM25 to improve the farm operation and facilities. He gives RM2.00 to each of his workers and he keeps the remaining RM5.00 as profit.

Day by day, the farm is well developed and all of the 5 workers are happy with the money they can save. When Razak passed away and there is a new landlord, PokLeh comes to continue the farm operation. He says to the workers: "We need to improve the farm quality and redefine our way of thinking. From now on all of you only need to pay RM1.00 for each apple you eat. It is very cheap as the price is RM10 each outside the farm."

The workers have no choice but to pay RM1.00 for the apple they eat daily. Their earning decrease from RM2.00 to RM1.00 per person. As usual, PokLeh sells the 4 apples and he gets RM40. He uses RM25 for farm improvement and pays RM10 to his 5 workers. He gets RM5.00 as profit. On top of that, he gets another RM5.00 from the apples that he sells to his workers. In total, he gets RM10 as profit every day.

Soon, the apple price increases to RM20 each. The new landlord gets a higher profit as he gets RM80 for the 4 apples he sells daily. Then, he decides to give the farming improvement contract to one of his close friend, Samy. Samy says:"Apple cost naik, improvement cost also misti naik." So, the farm improvement cost increases from RM25 to RM50. In actual, the improvement only cost RM30. The remaining RM20, PokLeh and Samy share evenly among themselves.

Let's calculate how much PokLeh gets daily:
RM10 (from farm improvement cost)
RM20 (Net profit by selling 4 apples: [Gross profit, RM80] ?
[Improvement cost, RM50] ? [Wages RM10] = RM20)
RM5 (from selling apples to his workers)

In total, PokLeh gets RM35 daily compare to RM10 initially when he takes over the farm from Razak. His profit increases RM25 and the workers are still getting RM1.00 daily per person.

The greedy PokLeh does not want to stop there. One day, he says to his fellow workers:" You see ah, the current market price for one apple is RM20 and you are only paying RM1. See how lucky you are! I have to SUBSIDY RM19.00 for each of the apple you buy and total I need to SUBSIDY RM95.00. This will greatly burden the farm and we might get bankrupt if we continue like this. In order to avoid bankruptcy, I need to increase the apple price that you buy from RM1.00 to RM1.50 and I will bare the remaining RM18.50 per apple as my subsidy to you all. "

So, greedy PokLeh adds RM2.50 to his current profit and the number becomes RM37.50.

After you have read the story, I am sure you have already understood the meaning of a 'SUBSIDY' given by the BN government. The RM95 subsidy was never existed in the first place and so was the RM52 billion fuel subsidy generously 'given' by the BN government..

Cutting fuel subsidy is actually just a reason to steal money from your pocket. Are you gonna stand there and let them rob you???
website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

article yg ada dlm ni adalah hakcipta blog ni kecuali ada dinyatakan dicilok dari sumber2 tertentu... segala komen yg dibuat dalam blog ni takde langsung mewakili blog nih.. komen2 tu adalah hak dan rekacipta org yg tulis komen tu... ada paham? webmaster ada hak utk meng'edit', meng'keluar'kan mana2 post yg dirasakan tidak sesuai