Sunday, July 22, 2007

personal character quiz

SOURCE : book, personality plus by florence littauer score in comment mende ni takde betul atau salah... ni utk tau kita punya personal character.. and others, so we can understand us and others more penulis ni dia bahagi karakter manusia kepada 4. 1. sanguine 2. melancholy 3. choleric 4. phlegmatic setiap baris tu, satu perkataan mewakili salah satu karakter di atas. sebagai contoh, baris satu anda merasakan karakter anda analytic, jadi tulis analytical pada no 1. dan seterusnya.. Buat untuk kedua2 bahagian, STRENGTHS dan WEAKNESSES Kalau dah habes buat 40 questionaire buleh check jawapan kat comments
1 - adventurous - adaptable - animated - - analytical
2 - persistent - playful - persuasive - peaceful
3 - submissive - self sacrificing - sociable - strong-willed
4 - considerate - controlled - competitive - convincing
5 - refreshing - respectful - reserved - resourceful
6 - satisfied - sensitive - self reliant - spirited
7 - planner - patient - positive - promoter
8 - sure - spontaneous - scheduled - shy
9 - orderly - obliging - outspoken - optimistic
10 - friendly - faithful - funny - forceful
11 - daring - delightful - diplomatic - detailed
12 - cheerful - consistent - cultured - confident 13 - idealistic - independent - inoffensive - inspiring
14 - demonstrative - decisive - dry humour - deep
15 - mediator - musical - mover - mixes easily
16 - thoughtful - tenacious - talker - tolerant
17 - listener - loyal - leader - lively
18 - contented - chief - chartmaker - cute
19 - perfectionist - pleasant - productive - popular
20 - bouncy - bold - behaved - balanced WEAKNESSES
1 - blank - bashful - brassy - bossy
2 - undisciplined - unsympathethic - unenthusiastic - unforgiving
3 - reticent - recentful - resistent - repetitious
4 - fussy - fearful - forgetful - frank
5 - impatient - insecure - indecisive - interrupt
6 - unpopular - uninvolved - unpredictable - unaffectionate
7 - headstrong - haphazard - hard to please - hesistant
8 - plain - pessimistic - proud - permissive
9 - angered easily - aimless - argumentative - alienated
10 - naive - negative attitude - nervy - nonchalant
11- worrier - withdrawn - workaholic - wants credit
12 - too sensitive - tactless - timid - talkative
13 - doubtful - disorganised - domineering - depressed
14 - inconsistent - introvert - intolerant - indifferent
15 - messy - moody - mumbles - manipulative
16 - slow - stubborn - show off - skeptical
17 - loner - lord over others - lazy - loud
18 - sluggish - suspicious - short tempered - scatterbrained
19 - revengful - restless - reluctant - rash
20 - compromising - critical - crafty - changeable
check your score in comment


[web-mod] said...

your score mcm ni
katalah pilih no 1. analytical = melancholy, jadi letak huruf M tepi analytical.. dan seterusnya.. buat utk semua 40 soalan

Melancholy - letak huruf M
Choleric - letak huruf C
Sanguine - letak huruf S
Phlegmatic - letak huruf P


- adventurous = C
- adaptable = P
- animated = S
- analytical = M

- persistent = M
- playful = S
- persuasive = C
- peaceful = P

- submissive = P
- self sacrificing = M
- sociable = S
- strong-willed = C

- considerate = M
- controlled = P
- competitive = C
- convincing = S

- refreshing = S
- respectful = M
- reserved = P
- resourceful = C

- satisfied = P
- sensitive = M
- self reliant = C
- spirited = S

- planner = M
- patient = P
- positive = C
- promoter = S

- sure = C
- spontaneous = S
- scheduled = M
- shy = P

- orderly = M
- obliging = P
- outspoken = C
- optimistic = S

- friendly = P
- faithful = M
- funny = S
- forceful = C

- daring = C
- delightful = S
- diplomatic = P
- detailed = M

- cheerful = S
- consistent = C
- cultured = M
- confident = P

- idealistic = M
- independent = C
- inoffensive = P
- inspiring = S

- demonstrative = S
- decisive = C
- dry humour = P
- deep = M

- mediator = P
- musical = M
- mover = C
- mixes easily = S

- thoughtful = M
- tenacious = C
- talker = S
- tolerant = P

- listener = P
- loyal = M
- leader = C
- lively = S

- contented = P
- chief = C
- chartmaker = M
- cute = S

- perfectionist = M
- pleasant = P
- productive C
- popular =S

- bouncy = S
- bold = C
- behaved = M
- balanced = P

- blank = P
- bashfuL = M
- brassy = S
- bossy = C

- undisciplined = S
- unsympathethic = C
- unenthusiastic = P
- unforgiving = M

- reticent = P
- recentful = M
- resistent = C
- repetitious = S

- fussy = M
- fearful = P
- forgetful = S
- frank = C

- impatient = C
- insecure = M
- indecisive = P
- interrupt = S

- unpopular = M
- uninvolved = P
- unpredictable =S
- unaffectionate = C

- headstrong = C
- haphazard = S
- hard to please = M
- hesistant = P

- plain = P
- pessimistic = M
- proud = C
- permissive = S

- angered easily = S
- aimless = P
- argumentative = C
- alienated = M

- naive = S
- negative attitude = M
- nervy = C
- nonchalant = P

- worrier = P
- withdrawn = M
- workaholic = C
- wants credit = S

- too sensitive = M
- tactless = C
- timid = P
- talkative = S

- doubtful = P
- disorganised = S
- domineering = C
- depressed = M

- inconsistent = S
- introvert = M
- intolerant = C
- indifferent = P

- messy = S
- moody = M
- mumbles = P
- manipulative = C

- slow = P
- stubborn = C
- show off = S
- skeptical = M

- loner = M
- lord over others = C
- lazy = P
- loud = S

- sluggish = P
- suspicious = M
- short tempered = C
- scatterbrained = S

- revengful = M
- restless = S
- reluctant = P
- rash = C

- compromising = P
- critical = M
- crafty = C
- changeable = S

[web-mod] said...

kira brapa M, P, C, S utk kedua2 STRENGTH & WEAKNESSES..

kalau satu karakter tu byk drp yg lain, cth STRENGTH ada 12 Melancholy character, jadi korang Powerful Melancholy.. dsb..

- best - happy go lucky
- kurang best - tak serious

- best - teratur / organised
- tak best - tak flex,

- best - goal driven
- tak best - other ppl see as bossy and arrogant

- best - lepak. rilek
- tak best - not decisive in making decision. 'tak apa' attitude.

kalau markah lebih kurang sama, ambik yang 2 teratas... katalah 7 P, 6 M, 3 C, 4 S, maknanya korang phlegmatic melancholy...

setiap karakter ada bagus & tak bagus... bukan nak tengok sapa tera ke tak, nak tau what sort of person are you.. also kalau ada spouse what sort of person are they... tu la kekadang kita tak bleh compute pesal la spouse kita buat ni, or our staffs.. ONE OF THE REASON (reason lain pun ada, maybe emotional decision etc) is their character diff from us...

Nak tau lebih kena la beli buku dia.. :D

website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

article yg ada dlm ni adalah hakcipta blog ni kecuali ada dinyatakan dicilok dari sumber2 tertentu... segala komen yg dibuat dalam blog ni takde langsung mewakili blog nih.. komen2 tu adalah hak dan rekacipta org yg tulis komen tu... ada paham? webmaster ada hak utk meng'edit', meng'keluar'kan mana2 post yg dirasakan tidak sesuai