Friday, November 23, 2007

Friday Nasiha - Issue # 452

Dhul-Qida 6, 1428, A.H. - November 16, 2007, C.E.

Al-Tawbah (The Repentance) Chapter 9: Verse 122 (Partial)

Understanding the Religion ".. so that they may understand the religion ..."

The term in the original for "understanding" has its root in "faqiha". Fiqh in Islamic literature is applied to the knowledge of the Shariah and what would help obtain it, such as the knowledge of the Arabic language, its grammar, or the knowledge of principles of Islam. (Shawkani)

The term in the original for "understanding" has its root in "faqiha". Fiqh in Islamic literature is applied to the knowledge of the Shariah and what would help obtain it, such as the knowledge of the Arabic language, its grammar, or the knowledge of principles of Islam. (Shawkani) Imam Ghazali has said that among the first generation of Muslims the word "fiqh" was used for: 1. the knowledge of the Hereafter, 2. knowledge of the things harmful to the soul, 3. knowledge of those things that destroyed the good effects of deeds, 4. the power to belittle this world, 5. an impassioned desire to obtain the blessings of the next world, and 6. the heart being overtaken by the fear of Allah. It was not used then in the sense of knowledge of the rules of divorce, trade, renting out buildings, etc. Hasan al-Busri once said, "A Faqih is someone who is not inclined to this world, rather, is inclined to the Hereafter, well aware of the quality of his religion, all the time devoted to his Lord, abstains from touching upon the honour of the Muslims, disinterested in their possessions, and always concerned of their welfare." Source: "Tafsir Ishraq Al-Ma'ani" - Syed Iqbal Zaheer [read more here]

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