Monday, November 19, 2007

Mother tongue for maths and science

This issue was raised in recent UMNO gathering. If Govt want to implement it, I guess it would be better for them to try it at selected boarding school rather than nationwide. My auntie (she is a full time housewife, ex english teacher) teach couple of kids how to construct English sentences. It may not sound bad, but these kids are standard 4. How can rural area students want to comprehend Science and Maths when they have little understanding on English? Imagine the horror on teachers face when they have to teach in English. We are not English savvy yet and suddenly they have to teach in foreign language? I read one article last year on SPM, that more and more students are answering their exam in Malay (Now they have a choice of either answering in English or Malay). Found this on the net. Just my two pence //web mod p/s - cikgu2 kat sini bleh komen? Let us have a factual discussion on this topic. Fact 1: Our Creator created races and languages. The Quran says: "O mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another." (Quran 49:13) When Islamic civilisation was at its peak, Europe was in the Dark Ages. Europeans came into contact with Islamic civilisation when Islam spread to Europe. European scholars learn science and mathematics in Andalusia (Spain) in Arabic. Some ventured to Arab countries to study. On returning to Europe, these scholars translated knowledge, and books, acquired into mother tongue. The European public was then taught this new knowledge in their mother tongue. The books were used as reference for many years. When the Muslims abandoned love for learning, which is Allah's first command to them, the Europeans surpassed them in many fields. Fact 2: Following are quotes from an article "The mother-tongue dilemma: UNESCO Education" available on the Internet: i. Studies show that we learn better in our mother tongue. ii. Teachers have known for years the value of teaching children in their mother tongue. iii. Many studies have shown children do better if they get a basic education in their own language. iv. In New Zealand, a recent study showed that Maori children who received basic edsucation in their own language performed better than those educated in English only. v. In the United States, a research unit at George Mason University in Virginia has monitored results at twenty three primary schools in fifteen States since 1985. Four out of six different curricula involved were partly conducted in the mother tongue. The surveys shows that, after ELEVEN YEARS OF SCHOOLING, there is a direct link between acaedemic results and the time spent learning in the mother tongue. Fact 3: Let us see how Nabi Muhammad saw and the khalifahs applied Islam when implementing educational policy in a multireligious and multi-racial nation-state Madinah: "The JEWS of Madinah had set up their own religious and EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION called Bait al-Midras during the time of the Prophet saw. "The JEWISH and CHRISTIAN educational institutions were left to their communitities to MANAGE THEIR AFFAIRS during the Ummayad and the Abbasid Caliphates. "Muslims,Christians, Jews and Magians had conserved their own modes of dress and social customs. An effort was made in this way to protect the culture of every religious community living in a Muslim state. ( Abdur Rahman I.Doi: Non-Muslims Under Shariah m.52) So, the Malay, Chinese and Tamil educators are correct in demanding mother tongue education for children up to Form 5 and beyond, and not up to only Std 6. This demand is not emotional or racist. It is a show of appreciation to Our Creator who created mother tongue which has been proven scientifically to be the best means of imparting education to our children.


Anonymous said...

Learning in mother tongue is the best choice to accelerate the understanding of students. But due to poor command of English and lack of Bahasa resources on science and math books, students now have to cope with learning English language and then at the same time, try to understand the principles of science/math. It sure will weaken students ability, as learning in other language has a reverse effect on student's mental ability. But we can teach them math n science in English, only that in the first few years they must master English. Later, should they have become fluent and acquainted in this language, then we can teach anything to these children. Remember that, language is a container, math n science is what we put in this container. If the container is not strong enough, everything will be broken to pieces.

Anonymous said...

If u ask me, I prefer teaching engineering in English coz I personally think engineering terms sound better in English, and also becoz most of the sources are in English. Language is no barrier when it comes to learning. One must be willing and prepared for changes. Our society clearly need some times to adjust to this.

[i] said...

for me its about to get the basic right. now, the basic/foundation for teaching maths and science in English is to have students at least proficient in English (Teachers also need to have good command of the language to teach our kids). Thus my suggestion is to start with selected boarding school as they are selected students.

The procedure even worse when Ministry of Education hired a white man to be a 'kayu pacak' in classes as 'nazir' and pay OUR money, something in the 6 figure income per month. I rather have our retired (experience) teachers send to overseas and involve in day to day class activities. Our teachers understand us more (culture & social) than mere mat salleh.

Just my two pence.

Anonymous said...

isu bahasa ni bukan isu baru, dah lama. ikut sejarah, sebab bahasa la rakyat malaysia ni susah nak disatukan. dasar british meyebabkan sekolah vernakular wujud sampai sekarang. itu sebab kena ada satu bahasa utk meyatukan pelbagai kaum. pembelajaran dlm BM atau BI, bagi saya takde lah isu mana pun. kecemerlangan akademik adalah salah satu dasar pendidikan liberal. tak semestinya berjaya dlm peperiksaan penentu segalanya. sekarang ni, dunia tengah perkenalkan konsep pembelajaran sepanjang hayat. cuma di malaysia nih kurang popular, sebab sikap rakyat jugak. sila lihat statistik bil buku yang dibaca oleh rakyat malaysia dalam sehari. mungkin ada pengaruh politik utk ubah pembelajaran sains & math ke BM. maklumlah, idea asal dari che det. pehtu paklahnak tukau. nak cari sokongan sebelum pilihanraya.. wallahualam

[i] said...

ada sesapa sini tau selain KL, brapa ringgit kena bayar per anak masuk sekolah. kat KL ni around RM100 - RM200 per year per child.

kat ipoh, penang, kb, kt, jb mcm mana??

niefeng said...

pening kepala budak dan cikgu
yang darjah satu baru nak reti eja, dah kena tukau, cikgu2 lak kena masuk kusus balik ajar dlm BM lak, prabis pitis aje semua tu

website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

article yg ada dlm ni adalah hakcipta blog ni kecuali ada dinyatakan dicilok dari sumber2 tertentu... segala komen yg dibuat dalam blog ni takde langsung mewakili blog nih.. komen2 tu adalah hak dan rekacipta org yg tulis komen tu... ada paham? webmaster ada hak utk meng'edit', meng'keluar'kan mana2 post yg dirasakan tidak sesuai