Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Motivation Story

Father: "I want you to marry a girl of my choice." Son: "I will choose my own bride!" Father: "But the girl is Bill Gate's daughter." Son: "Well, in that case... ok" Next Father approaches Bill Gates. Father : "I have a husband for your daughter." Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!" Father: "But this young man is vice-president of the World Bank." Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case... ok" Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank. Father: "I have a young man to be recommended as your vice-president. " President: "But I already have more vice-preside nts than I need!" Father : "But this young man is Bill Gate's son-in-law." President: "Ah, in that case... ok" This is how business is done!! Moral: Even if you have nothing, you can get anything. But your attitude should be positive.

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website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

article yg ada dlm ni adalah hakcipta blog ni kecuali ada dinyatakan dicilok dari sumber2 tertentu... segala komen yg dibuat dalam blog ni takde langsung mewakili blog nih.. komen2 tu adalah hak dan rekacipta org yg tulis komen tu... ada paham? webmaster ada hak utk meng'edit', meng'keluar'kan mana2 post yg dirasakan tidak sesuai