Thursday, August 23, 2007

Delivery option, private or goverment hospital

by Dr Salehudin (Paedetrician of Kajang Hosp). Disclaimer: This is a guideline only, please consult your beloved families before making any decisions. The choice is yours. Points to consider: 1.Kos - ko ada brape ribu dalam poket utk persediaan bayaran kos perubatan di hospital? Kalau nak private, make sure u have ENOUGH money to cover for bersalin secara c-section (bedah la tuh), sebab >50% of the case will proceed to dewan bedah.. because of various reason, but mainly because of MONEY. tapi tak berhenti takat tuh.. kene pikir kos utk rawatan baby yg akan lahir. mintak dijauhkan, baby ada kemungkinan lemas atau tak sihat, dan memerlukan rawatan lanjut. so, koman2 pun kene bagi antibiotics. kalau lebih teruk, kene bagi alat pernafasan dan masuk ICU. kalau masuk ICU dan ventilate (ie bagi pernafasan sokongan), kurang2 kosnya RM 1000 sehari.. so kalau dok ICU 5 hari, RM 5K la. kalau tak nak sediakan banyak tu, tak payah bersalin kat swasta. 2. Kesihatan semasa mengandung, dan juga sejarah kesihatan - Kalau ada komplikasi mengandung eg darah tinggi/ kencing manis, better gi gomen. sebab? refer next point 3. Equipment - Ni no doubt kat hospital kerajaan memang better than swasta. tapi aku advise hosp kerajaan yg besar, bukan hosp daerah (selain selangor), sebab hosp daerah biasanya kala ada kes2 kompilikasi, kene hantor hosp besar jugak. 4. Service/layanan - Generally speaking, service di hosp kerajaan digembar gemburkan 'not friendly' berbanding swasta. tapi terpulang kpd u sendiri la.. kalau di gomen, memang misi kat bilik bersalin ni garang skit.. so kengkadang kene tahan telinga skit. tapi tak semua. Alhamdulillah Mas bersalin kat hosp kerajaan for both our children. 1st kat Putrajaya, 2nd kat Hosp KB. kat Putrajaya, bagus, dan kat KB pun bagus. cuma susah skit kalau visitor nak masuk la.. bit restricted, tak macam swasta. 5. Staff qualification - Kalau bersalin biasa, misi kat kerajaan memang terer giler, berbanding misi kat swasta. ada hosp swasta yg mana misinya hanyalah budak2 lepasan SPM (takde qualification nursing langsung). unless kalau doktor yg deliver, tapi still u need a good team to work. 6. Point2 lain - Antara point lain yg perlu difikirkan, spt mudah family nak ziarah etc. Ada jugak di hosp kerajaan esp HUKM and UMMC yg menawarkan khidmat swasta (private wing), iaitu guna kemudahan hosp tu, tapi berbayar dengan rate swasta. tapi aku LANGSUNG tak advice option ni. Kalau timbang semua tuh, aku lebih advise HOSP KERAJAAN lah.. lebih2 lagi kalau ada antara kengkawan kita yg jadi doktor sakit puan/perbidanan dan doktor kanak2 kat situ.. so mudah nak tolong skit.. cthnya kat Kajang (not advisable) and HUKM. kat hosp lain, kene cek dalam blog MRSM taiping la.. Wallahu a'lam


bola2api said...

aku dah pernah bersalin kat both gomen and priv hosps. 1st baby kat Putrajaya where the nurses are friendly and helpful and the food also sedap and dihidangkan panas2.

Aku bersalin time 2,3 hari dekat nak raya so agaknya patients tak ramai and nurses yg tak dapat cuti ni, ramai2 datang ke labour room aku to cheer me on! "Aini, c'mon push!!" Hahaha.. but that was great lah..

2nd and 3rd were at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar. Food was OK but suam mcm kat Putrajaya(FYI dalam pantang, kena makan everything time tengah panas). In terms of service, aku rasa lagi cepat tindakbalas misi di Putrajaya berbanding dgn Pantai haha.. yelah, aku tekan loceng berkali2 baruuu nak datang. Tekan loceng sekali pun kena charge tau.

Kat Putrajaya, aku kena bayar RM400 - RM300 for bersalin normal, RM80 for 2-nite stay, RM20 for meds.

Kat Pantai, I was charged RM2600 and RM3000 respectively. First time, I stayed for 5 nights, second time, for 7 nights. First time, I checked in out of office hours.. so ada la pulak out of office hrs charge..

Anonymous said...

I guess u prefer private rather than Gov, coz for the 3rd delivery u still opt for Pantai...

niefeng said...

1st baby lahir kat klang, tp sbb bini aku gomen staff jd boleh duk kelas satu, secara keseruhannya aku berpuas hati dgn mereka. cuma bila baby lahir ada problem sikit, kena pindah wad kanak2, sini mmg nasib la, haru biru hahahhaha

bola2api said...

it's basically becoz
1) i can take a cab to see the doc from ofis
2) petronas bayo haha..

given an option, gua tak kisah. byk2 berdoa supaya semua selamat dan berjalan lancar.

bola2api said...

sambung sikit..

'gua tak kisah' sbb bersalin memang sakit ya amat. private ker gomen ker, sakitnya tetap sama.

one thing, kalo private tak leh nak handle, still akan hantar patient ke gomen hosp jugak...

Anonymous said...

My wife bersalin kat Sunway Hospital. The reason why we chose there sebab hospital kerajaan terdekat kat Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, and agak paranoid sebab banyak dgr cite pasal hospital ni. Anyway Sunway Hospital layanan memang bagus, and selesa. Pastu dekat ngan my parents and inlaws house pun, so senang for everybody. Buat routine checkup pun cepat and selesa. Tapi cam korang cakaplah, doctor agak impatient, and my wife kene gi emergency ceaser bila baby lambat sangat nak keluar. The after effect? Memanglah koyak poket, and until today my wife still argue that the doctor should have let her try longer. But for me, as long my wife and daughter are safe, Alhamdulillah. I just presume maybe the doctor was making a call on what was best medically, though not necessarily financially :P.

Anonymous said...

i think it's a huge misconception that most obstetricians will resort to CS because of financial reason. not speaking from personal experience unfortunately, but my bro in law is a private obstetrician and gynaecologist in a southern state. he works 24-7, very rarely able to spend good quality time with close and extended family members. org kan nak give birth bukan kira weekends or raya kan. in private medicine, especially for the likes of obs/gyn and surgery, the insurance covers for doctors are the most expensive and to make the right the decision at the right time is imperative if one wants to stay in this profession indefinitely. medicolegal issues e.g. negligence, professional misconducr are in the rise due to level of education and awareness among the general public. so its not surprising that most doctors will act and decide sooner rather than later, rather than waiting for the baby to come out especially when according to his/her medical training that this particular action is risky. CS also ada byk possible complications so, its not actually THAT simple to make such decision there and then. and so, in time like this, i would think that its not the hospital that you should be too concerned about, if you want and can afford private care, then you should shop around for the more exprienced obgyn available. at the end of the day, you want both mom and baby selamat. CS or no CS.

Anonymous said...

alhamdullilah, 1st baby dulu normal selepas 2 jam kat labour room. sakit contraction pun tak lama 2-3 jam jer.. n sekarang ni dah lupa dah sakit bersalin mcm mana. aku bayar rm8 je utk wad 1 malam. hospital kerajaan. dr pompuan, nurse ramai tolong. friendly. jahit pun tak sakit. esok tu dah boleh berjalan ke hulu ke hilir...hehe rezeki masing-masing gamaknya. tak sabo nak bersalin lagi rasanya...

Smiling Sukri said...

Very insightful... Agaknya when can we have such discussion.. live? I guess many ppl interested to attend. I believe my doc frens will talk from the bottom of their heart, so that I can ask from the bottom of my pocket! ehhehe...

Anonymous said...

heheheh ngeri nya dengor...nih yg malehh nak kawin nih....

bola2api said...

wey mc! bukan kau yg nak beranak la.. HAHAHHAHHAHA lawak la kau :P

[i] said...

Mc ngeri nak bayo bil la aini...

Anonymous said...

ngeri bayar bil n kesian tgk future wife aku bersalin nanti...hehehehehehehe

website ni bukan official website mrsm taiping... mau carik official punya, segala isi kandungan dalam blog ni tak mewakili mrsm taiping dan MARA. Untuk cari Ansara Cawangan Taiping, bleh p ke Kat, webmaster dia Abg Damit.... website ni utk geng2 mrsm taiping batch 9495 lay-park, borak2, merapu, meroyan, melalak.

jemput tengok dan tengok lagi.. kalau tak puas jugak bleh la tinggal message ka, letak comment ka... mau Lagi??? email la sama wa kat taiping9495 at gmail dot com.

terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....

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