Rajab 19, 1428, A.H. - August 3, 2007, C.E.
Living the Quran |
Surah al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)
Chapter 8: Verse 24 (Partial) Living Through Quran
"O you who believe, respond to Allah and His messenger as they call you to that which gives you life" The Quran came to change the beliefs, behavior and outlook of all who are astray. It came to guide them to the true happiness and the way of life that one should follow in this life. Al-Suddi, an early commentator on the Quran, stated that this verse means that Islam gave the Companions true life after they were truly dead in disbelief. The difference between faith and disbelief is truly comparable to the difference between life and death. Knowing the Quran, that source of life to which Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) is calling every human, as opposed to not knowing it is also comparable to the difference between life and death. The effect of the Quran can clearly be seen in the first generation of Muslims. These were the people who were given life by the Quran. They were taken from darkness into light. The example they set is the example that all later generations who believe in the Quran must aspire to. [read more here]
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terima kasih kat sapa2 yg tolong website ni secara jualan langsung atau black market....
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